CSGO Ranks List

A list of all ranks in CSGO matchmaking, along with the distributions of players in each bracket.

On this page

Before you play any competitive game, your rank will be unassigned. Once you have 10 competitive match wins, you will be assigned your first rank. There’s a total of 18 different ranks (aka skill groups) in CSGO. Depending on how you did personally and how long it took you to get these ten wins, you will be allocated one of the 18 ranks in CSGO.

Ranks Distribution Table

Silver 1 Silver 1 3.90%
Silver 2 Silver 2 4.23%
Silver 3 Silver 3 4.37%
Silver 4 Silver 4 5.21%
Silver Elite Silver Elite 6.44%
Silver Elite Master Silver Elite Master 7.78%
Gold Nova 1 Gold Nova 1 8.76%
Gold Nova 2 Gold Nova 2 8.79%
Gold Nova 3 Gold Nova 3 9.05%
Gold Nova Master Gold Nova Master 8.08%
Master Guardian 1 Master Guardian 1 7.55%
Master Guardian 2 Master Guardian 2 6.61%
Master Guardian Elite Master Guardian Elite 5.24%
Distinguished Master Guardian Distinguished Master Guardian 4.15%
Legendary Eagle Legendary Eagle 3.25%
Legendary Eagle Master Legendary Eagle Master 3.20%
Supreme Master First Class Supreme Master First Class 2.64%
Global Elite Global Elite 0.75%

Ranking System Guide

The CSGO ranking system can be a confusing topic to tackle for new players to the game. You start off without a rank, and after a set number of matchmaking you’ll receive one relating to your skill.

But what exactly does this rank mean? What decided it, and where can you go from there?

Ranks Distribution Chart

CSGO Ranks and ELO system

So, how does the CSGO Ranking System work? To be honest – no one really knows. It’s not public information, and Valve has been doing a fantastic job of keeping it a secret. However, there are some things we know about. To start off, we know that the ranks are equal compared to skill – the higher your rank, the higher your skill. We also know that with each win you get closer to ranking up, and with each loss, you get closer to ranking down.

But here’s where it gets more interesting and a little bit mysterious. We also know that the ranking system is based on ELO (which is the same system used in chess rankings) but unlike in chess, the ELO is highly dynamic and affects CSGO ranks by many factors. Here all the ranks in CSGO:

What Affects ELO in CSGO?

The CSGO ELO system takes into account your region, your opponent’s rank, your teammates rank, your score/kills/deaths/assists, and most importantly the number of rounds you win. Everything, basically. Unfortunately, we will probably never know exactly how it works.

  • Region of the Player
  • Your CSGO Rank
  • Rank of the opponent
  • Rank of the Teammates
  • Your score (Kills, Deaths & Assists)
  • Number of rounds won

How to rank up in CSGO

Ranking up in CSGO is simple, though the algorithm behind it isn’t. To put it plainly, the more matchmaking games you win the faster you’ll rank up. As you’d expect though, there is more that goes into it than just that. Here is what will influence the speed in which you rank up.

What ranks your teammates are. The lower their rank, the more elo (the value that dictates your rank) you’ll earn from a win. What ranks your opponents are. The higher their rank, the more elo you’ll earn from a win. The number of times in a game of matchmaking you are named the MVP. The round difference of the competitive games you play. You’ll gain more elo by beating a team 16-1 than you would if you beat them 16-14. On the flip side, you’ll lose more elo if you get stomped by a team 16-1 than if you only narrowly lose 16-14. This is what affects your rank in CSGO, but what can you do to ensure you rank up quickly?

Well, the best way to rank up fast is to take the time to practise and hone your game. This means instead of jumping into match after match, take some time between them.

Improve Your Settings (Mouse, Graphics, etc)

Firstly, make sure that you have HRTF enabled in your audio settings. HRTF allows you to better hear where sound comes from - this comes in especially handy when pinpointing footsteps that you’re not too sure of the exact location of.

Everyone has different optimal mouse settings, but there are a few things you can do to help find those optimal settings:

Enable raw input (in CSGO mouse settings) - this makes the signals your mouse sends go directly to CSGO, instead of being changed/slowed down by Windows or other applications.

Aim for a lower sensitivity - you can do this by lowering your sensitivity by 0.01 every few days until you find the best speed. A lower sensitivity means you can more accurately make small adjustments, like moving your crosshair slightly to the left to make sure you hit a headshot.

Have a good quality, big mousemat - this might not be possible if you don’t have the funds or room where your mouse is, but a larger mousemat means you have to pick up your mouse less, and a high quality mouse mat will make your mouse more accurate.

Most graphics settings don’t make all that much difference to how the game plays out, but a few can completely hinder your ability to play well. Here are our graphics settings tips:

Disable VSync, or “Wait for Vertical Sync” in the CSGO graphics settings menu.

Remove the FPS cap in the CSGO graphics settings menu. You can also do this with the fpsmax command.

Play in “Fullscreen” mode, not “Windowed” or “Fullscreen Windowed” (better FPS).

Turn off Motion Blur.

Enable Multicore Rendering.

If you are suffering from low FPS, the settings that will help the most are: FXAA Anti-Aliasing (Disabled), Multi Sampling Anti-Aliasing Mode (None) and Shader Detail (Low).