Available Commands
Enable/disbale the auto kick feature which kicks players for doing team damage of for being AFK for too long
- Default
- 1
0 / 1 | Set this to 0 to disable all auto kick features. Set this to 1 (default) to enable auto kick features (i.e. auto kicking for AFK and for too much team damage/killing). |
Restarts the current game in the specified amount of [seconds]. Restarts in 1 second if no value is specified.
- Default
- [seconds]
Seconds | Optional - the amount of seconds to count down for before restarting the game. If not specified, game will restart in 1 second. |
Ban a Steam user ID from the server for [Minutes]. You can find the user ID with the status command
- Default
- [Minutes] [User ID]
Minutes | The number of minutes you want to ban the user for. Use the value 0 to permanently ban them. |
User ID | The user ID of the person you want to ban from the server. Find the ID of a user by typing "status" into the console. The ID is the first number before a player's name in the list of players. |
Changes the current level to the one specified, i.e de_dust2
- Default
- [MapName]
Map Name | The name of the map you want to transition to in it's technical name. Here is a full list of map codes. |
This command will issue the specified rcon command (i.e. issues the specified command on your server). Rcon means remote console - it allows you to execute server commands from the client.
- Default
- [command]
Command | The command you wish to run using rcon (run on the server). |
The IP address of the remote console you wish to connect to (default is the address of your own server). Change this only if the rcon address for the server you are connected to is different from the server's IP.
- Default
- [ip address]
IP Address | The remote IP address you wish to use for rcon. |
This command will authenticate you for rcon with the specified password.
- Default
- [password]
Password | The password for rcon on your server. |
This console command allows you to easily connect to other CSGO servers if you know the server's IP address.
- Default
- [ip]
IP | The IP address of the server you want to join. This has to be accurate for the command to connect you to the correct server. |
This command will disconnect you from your current game and return you to the home screen.
- Default
Sets the maximum amount of players that can connect to the server.
- Default
- [amount]
Amount | The maximum amount of players that can connect. 10 would mean only 10 can connect at any given time. |